Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone! We had so much fun this year with all of our Halloween festivities! I had a super fun Halloween party at school! When I got home, Mommy let me enjoy one treat from my bag. I picked this yummy lollipop!
Next, I got to go to a Halloween Party at Harris Park with my friends from school. My friend Mackenzie and I both dressed up as Tinker Bell!
Mommy and I made lollipop ghosts together.

Ben and I got to walk in the parade with Mommy and Daddy. Spider Man was walking behind us. I didn't know what to think of him!
Here's Daddy and I taking a break from walking in the parade. I already have lots of candy in my "punk hatch" (pumpkin) bag.

One of my favorite parts of the party was swinging on the swing. It really made me feel like I was flying!

Here is Ben in his outfit for the Halloween party. Doesn't he look so cute??

When we got home from the party, Ben was feeling sad that the fun was over. I told him not to worry because trick or treat was going to be even more fun!
Here is Mommy and Ben. I taught Benjamin how to make a pirate face just like I used to do when I was a baby!
Benji and I dressed up for trick or treat, but we had to wait around a while for the rain to stop. Mommy and Daddy had no idea how hard it was going to be to get a good picture of us together in our costumes. After waiting a long time, we finally got to go around and collect candy from the neighbors. My favorite treat was a juice box!
Benji didn't wear his giant "punk hatch" costume trick or treating because it was so hot, but he did wear a special Halloween outfit though!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A very busy weekend!

This past weekend Ben and I were so excited to have so many visitors!

We were so happy to see our Aunt Darcy!

She came bringing many gifts with her.

I thought Benji would want to hold all of them with him in his swing.

I had a very exciting Saturday morning too! I pooped in the potty for the very first time! Mommy and Daddy were so excited they started dancing and singing and clapping very loudly at me. I was so excited to see them so happy that I decided to poop in the potty again! Mommy put my big girl Dora pull-up on me but then I decided I didn't want to use the potty anymore. Mommy and Daddy keep asking me to go, but I just don't feel like it. Maybe I'll surprise them again soon.

Later that day, Auntie Maria, Uncle Marcell, and Steven came to visit me and Ben. I was so happy to see them! They brought me and Benji presents too! Steven and I had a really good time playing together in my room. We loved making silly faces at each other! I can't wait to see the Sprengers again soon!!!

Our First Blog Post!

Hello World! My little brother, Benjamin and I decided to start a blog together. We hope to keep you all updated on how we are growing and all the fun stuff we do with Mommy and Daddy!